Big questions in health care: What can the U.S. learn from the rest of the world?

As Congress takes on the task of revamping health care, MPR News host Tom Weber is turning to big thinkers in the field for their insight on the future of insurance in the United States.

T.R. Reid is the author of, "The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper and Fairer Health Care."

He traveled to countries comparable to the United States in size and wealth and found, what he thinks is, cheaper and better health care.

"America's health care system is way too expensive and is not working," he told host Tom Weber.

Countries like France, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom all have cheaper programs with "better outcomes" and care for everyone.

"That's why it matters," he said to Weber.

Reid believes that the only way to provide the best coverage possible is to move to a single-payer system. He said that efforts to stabilize the current marketplace miss the point.

"To me, the most important question is, do you provide health care for everyone who needs it?" he said.

To hear more from Reid use the audio player above.

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