America's longest war continues

President Donald Trump speaks at Fort Myer in Arlington Va.
President Donald Trump speaks at Fort Myer in Arlington Va., Monday, Aug. 21, 2017, during a Presidential Address to the Nation about a strategy he believes will best position the U.S. to eventually declare victory in Afghanistan.
Carolyn Kaster | AP

In a televised speech on Monday, President Trump announced that, despite his original "instinct" to pull out of the war, the United States will remain in Afghanistan.

The president gave few details in terms of the number of troops that will be involved or a timeline for the project. However, Trump made the mission very clear: this is not a matter of nation building, but the focus is on "killing terrorists."

David Schanzer, director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security at Duke University, joined MPR News Host Kerri Miller for a conversation about the president's plans.

To listen to their conversation, click the audio player above.