Listen: Canada's private refugee sponsorship program

Canada is one place in the world where people seem eager to welcome refugees. The Canadian government has settled some 40,000 Syrian refugees since November 2015.

MPR's Elizabeth Shockman spoke to New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor about Canada's thriving refugee sponsorship program in a country where the "government can barely keep up with the demand to welcome refugees."

Regular families apply to take on refugees for a year. They live with them and provide guidance to settling in Canada.

"They're providing a guarantee that [the refugees] will be taken care of," said Kantor.

These families donate thousands of dollars and their time.

"It's not just the money, they really have to commit to helping a family for a year and that is a massive enterprise," said Kantor.

Even though Canadian government is overwhelmed and setting some limits, the program has been a success said Kantor.

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