Op Ed: Travel ban is necessary for safety

President Trump released a revised travel ban on Monday.

This executive order places a "90 day pause to reassess how to successfully vet people" from Iran, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Libya said Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

Krikonrian is in favor of this ban—and the previous one for that matter—because it provides an opportunity to review the vetting process for refugees and immigrants. The new order should not impact green card holders.

"Congress has authorized the President to keep anyone or any class of people out that he deems necessary," said Krikorian.

Others have called the order a ban on Muslims, bur Krikorian said that's not true.

"That would be a stupid policy. That's not what he's doing here. 90 percent of the world's Muslims is not covered by this ban."

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