Political Junkie: A peek into the future

Ken Rudin
Ken Rudin, former political editor for NPR News
Courtesy Doby Photography/NPR

The Democrats need to gain ground in the coming election cycles, especially if they want to put someone in the White House in 2020.

Political Junkie Ken Rudin told MPR News host Kerri Miller that the Democrats are down nearly 1,000 legislative seats around the country since former President Obama took office.

Kerri asked Ken, what does Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez need to do to inspire would-be Democratic public servants?

"Perez is someone who needs to get state parties back and active again," said Rudin.

Rudin looked to the more imminent future, Tuesday President Trump will address Congress.

"People are begging him to stay on point," Rudin said.

It's difficult to say if the Paul Ryans and Rex Tillersons of the world have much control over Trump, but if he wants their support on something he may be more inclined the toe the party line.

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