Parting thoughts: Fine-tuned to the little things in life

Amy Tobin on her last day of chemo
Amy Tobin on her last day of chemo during her first battle with breast cancer on July 29, 2010.
Courtesy of Lisa Tobin

Amy Tobin was a precocious musician. She taught herself how to play piano even before she was old enough for lessons. When she was in fourth grade she discovered her true passion: violin.

Amy passed away earlier this year after a long battle with breast cancer.

Her older sister, Lisa Tobin, joined MPR's Cathy Wurzer to discuss Amy Tobin's musical career. It took her to Boston University to study violin performance (and math) and then to Miami and Jamaica, where she played reggae with the likes of Ziggy Marley.

Amy Tobin later returned home, to Minnesota, where she would become concertmaster of the St. Paul Civic Symphony, a role she held from 2008 until her death on Jan. 14, 2017. She was 47 years old.

Click on the audio above to hear their conversation.