Climate Cast: Wind turbines create economic and environmental opportunities

Wind turbines
Wind turbines dot a central Iowa field on May 23, 2011.
Nikki Tundel | MPR News file

A new study from the Environmental Defense Fund says that the fastest growing profession in the U.S. is wind turbine technician, which is confirmed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Solar and wind jobs are growing at a faster rate than other sectors of the economy. But is that increased production enough to head off our oncoming climate crisis? And what about any bumps in our economic road ahead?

MPR News chief meteorologist Paul Huttner spoke to guests about the growth of clean energy jobs and what it means for the climate and our economy.


Chris Farrell, MPR News chief economics correspondent.

Heidi Garrett-Peltier, an assistant research professor in the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

J. Drake Hamilton, science policy director at Fresh Energy.

Patrick Hamilton, director of Global Change Initiatives at the Science Museum of Minnesota.

To hear the full conversation, use the audio player above.