Do arts grant-givers overlook artist of color?

Stephanie Bertumen finds a quiet moment backstage.
Actress Stephanie Bertumen takes a moment to ready herself before taking the stage for a scene in Mu Performing Arts presentation of Flower Drum Song at Park Square Theater in St. Paul on Friday.
Evan Frost | MPR News

In the Twin Cities, just over 5 percent of cultural nonprofits receive 77 percent of all arts grants and donations.

Only a fraction of that money goes to organizations by and about people of color.

As a result, the large, white, mainstream organizations continue to get larger while smaller, more diverse organizations struggle to get by.

MPR News host Marianne Combs spoke with several guests about how racial inequities in funding are affecting local arts groups and how some grant givers are trying to change the status quo in light of our growing diversity.


Sarah Bellamy, artistic director of the Penumbra Theatre.

David Nicholson, executive director of the Headwaters Foundation for Justice.

Aaron Dorfman, president and CEO National of the Committee for Responsive Philanthropy.

To hear the full conversation use the audio player above.