Art Hounds: Glow-in-the-dark puppetry about mitosis

Z Puppets Rosenschnoz presents Cellula, a glow-in-the-dark play.
Z Puppets Rosenschnoz presents "Cellula," a glow-in-the-dark play that makes cell division accessible to children.
Bruce Silcox

This week on Art Hounds, Z Puppets Rosenschnoz presents "Cellula," a glow-in-the-dark play about cell division.

Theater artist Teresa Mock loves how science and art combine in "Cellula," a new show by Z Puppets Rosenschnoz. Using glow-in-the-dark puppets and a live improvised soundscape, "Cellula" tells the story of mitosis through the lens of mother and child. Mock says the show makes cell division accessible to kids while being both entirely factual and wildly creative. Performances run from Jan. 27 to Feb. 5.

Jane Peck, also a theater artist, is delighted by "Currents of Change," a new exhibit at Lanesboro Arts. In conjunction with the Smithsonian's touring exhibit "Water/Ways," the gallery challenged 15 mixed-media artists to make art inspired by historic photos from the region. Peck says the show is a vibrant reminder of the importance of clean water, which is all too often taken for granted. The exhibit runs through March 5.

Flamenco dancer Maribel Lopez recommends attending Kala Vandanam's "Ritu: The Seasons." "Ritu" is inspired by both a Sanskrit poem and Vivaldi's famous violin concerti. Lopez is particularly intrigued by the subtle commonalities found in Bharatanatyam and flamenco dance — the footwork, the hand gestures and the rhythms. Kala Vandanam performs "Ritu: The Seasons" this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Anne Simley Theater on the campus of Hamline University in St. Paul.