Political Junkie: 2016 is a year to remember

Ken Rudin
Ken Rudin, former political editor for NPR News
Courtesy Doby Photography/NPR

2016 was unprecedented in many ways, said Political Junkie Ken Rudin. The nastiness of the campaigns and the heightened level of the voter frustration made it a year to remember.

Rudin joined MPR News host Kerri Miller. When she asked what they can expect from President-elect Donald Trump, he said to look at Trump's history with the Republican establishment. This is an indicator of how he'll deal with the incoming Congress.

"He ran against Republicans as much as he ran against Democrats so there was this sense that Donald Trump was this independent force," said Rudin. "But if you look at his cabinet...it's very conservative."

But what exactly conservatism is, said Rudin, is still up in the air.

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