Trump signals radical changes to energy policy with cabinet choices

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry arrives at Trump Tower on Dec. 12.
Drew Angerer | Getty Images

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is about to lead the U.S. Department of Energy — an institution he both forgot about and then threatened to eliminate during a Republican presidential primary debate in 2011.

The person President-elect Donald Trump has selected to lead the EPA, Republican attorney general of Oklahoma Scott Pruitt, has gone after the Obama administration on almost every regulation. And the new Secretary of State is likely to be a former Exxon-Mobile CEO.

MPR News host Marianne Combs spoke to two guests about these positions, how they work together, and what it might mean for U.S. energy policy and our stance on climate change.

Meg Jacobs, research scholar at Princeton University and author of "Panic at the Pump," and Katie Fehrenbacher, energy and technology journalist, joined the program.

To hear the full conversation use the audio player above.