
Appetites: What's in a good bottle of wine?

The wine world can be daunting, but one expert offered his tips for how to navigate it.
Courtesy of Daniel Murphy

When it comes to booze today, cocktails are trendy and beer is just about everywhere.

But Erik Eastman, a drink connoisseur from Easy and Oskey, wants something different. He's advocating for a "return to wine."

The wine world, though, can be daunting given the swath of different white and reds.

There are vintage wines and Old World wines. Then there's that $40 bottle in the corner of the store that's for some reason dusty, or Two Buck Chuck (which really goes for $3).

Eastman recently returned from a trip to France where he discovered what goes into a great bottle for less than $20.

He joined All Things Considered host Tom Crann to share what exactly makes wine "good" and how to pick bottles from a variety of price ranges.

Use the audio player above to hear some wine tips.