Songwriter finds inspiration in MPR series on Bruce Kramer

Cathy Wurzer and Bruce Kramer
Cathy Wurzer interviews Bruce Kramer after a worship service Feb. 17, 2013, at Good Samaritan United Methodist Church in Edina.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News 2013

Bruce Kramer, a college dean and teacher who died last year after battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, and was profiled in a series of interviews with MPR's Cathy Wurzer, continues to inspire but in a surprising way.

Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter Anna Schulze was so touched by the "Living While Dying" series that she wrote "Don't You Fade Away," featured on her new album "Pickford Market."

"I was on a walk in March 2015 and my mom had sent me this podcast that was an interview with Bruce Kramer," said Schulze, an Edina native.

"My aunt had recently passed away of brain cancer and it was a very raw period. I listened to this interview and was completely overcome by Bruce's outlook toward his disease and the beauty that he found in living in the disease itself, in this moment. It was almost like he had this sense of lucidity in using his disease as a platform to educate and connect with people in a way that he was saying 'I'm OK — I will be here, I have your back almost' and I remember getting home and just started writing this sort of letter," she said.

On Wednesday night, Schulze will headline a release party at the Aster Cafe in Minneapolis for her new CD. She spoke to Wurzer about the song and why she decided to write it.

Click on the audio player above to hear their conversation.