Some northern Minn. gun owners OK with 'practical' gun restrictions

Visitors admired classic cars.
Visitors admire classic cars at the Freedom Fest in Pine City, Minn., on Saturday. Everyone who spoke to MPR News at the fair supported gun rights, but most also supported regulations limiting people on terrorism watch lists from buying guns, and restricting high-capacity magazines.
Dan Kraker | MPR News

Many in northern Minnesota own guns for hunting or protection and support the Second Amendment's freedom to bear arms. But that doesn't mean they're anti-regulation.

In recent conversations, gun owners here say restrictions are appropriate for assault-style weapons like the one used recently in the Orlando nightclub shooting.

Their comments reveal a practical middle ground on gun ownership and gun restrictions, issues that have resurfaced with the Orlando killings and subsequent "sit-in" on the floor of the United States House of Representatives by Democrats demanding a vote on gun control.

Jeff Menigo of Pine City says it makes sense for authorities to improve background checks and prohibit people on terrorism watch lists from purchasing guns.

"I think we have to be more careful about those folks. Be more restrictive," says Menigo, who likes to target shoot and keeps guns for self-defense. "I know the NRA and other groups won't like that, but boy, when you have these mass murders with 50 people being shot, that's not good."

Click on the audio bar above to hear more northern Minnesotans discuss guns and where the lines restricting ownership should be drawn.