Art Hounds: War, peace and cabaret

Sue Coe's "Bomb Shelter?"
Sue Coe's "Bomb Shelter?" is part of the exhibition "All This is True" at the Tweed Museum of Art in Duluth.
Courtesy John Schuerman

This week on Art Hounds: Good vs. evil, the sacred and the sensual.

Duluth Art Institute's Director Anne Dugan went to the reopening of the Tweed Museum of Art, including the exhibition "All This is True. It features the political art of Sue Coe and Warrington Colescott. Dugan says that while many of the prints and paintings date back to the early '90s, their themes of oppression, war and guns seem painfully fresh today. The exhibition runs through Sept. 18.

Latha Lakshmanan is a lover of classical Indian music and dance, and so she's looking forward to the Shri Rama Kathasudha dance performance at the Minnesota History Center this Sunday. The production explores the heroic tale of Prince Rama. More than 50 dancers will perform Bharatanatyam, a classical dance from southern India, accompanied by traditional music. The performance is being presented in conjunction with the History Center exhibit, "Beyond Bollywood: Indian Americans Shape the Nation."

Twin Cities singer/songwriter Adam Levy recommends you check out "The Emporium of Frolics & Romps," an evening of burlesque theater featuring showgirls, circus acts and live jazz. Levy says The Lab Theater in Minneapolis is a beautiful space for a cabaret, and he's looking forward to hearing the Southside Aces perform with vocalist Maud Hixson. Performances run June 15-18.