
Appetites: Is downtown Minneapolis in an independent-restaurant massacre?

Minneapolis is losing many acclaimed restaurants
A string of critically acclaimed restaurants have closed recently in downtown Minneapolis' core.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News 2014

At the risk of sounding dramatic, Dara Moskowitz Grumdahl is asking if we're in the midst of an independent-restaurant massacre in the core of downtown Minneapolis.

Brasserie Zentral. Foreign Legion. Vincent. Masa. Solera. Workshop at Union.

The list of critically acclaimed eateries that have closed up shop in the state's biggest city continues to grow.

Moskowitz Grumdahl, a senior editor for Mpls.St.Paul Magazine, joined MPR News host Steven John to talk more about what's behind this trend, how St. Paul is benefiting from it and what downtown Minneapolitans can do about it.

Use the audio player above to hear why so many restaurants are closing in Minneapolis.