Hibbing families to be briefed on high school sex discrimination case

Minnesota Department of Human Rights officials will meet tonight with parents and other citizens in Hibbing to discuss what the department says was illegal sex discrimination at Hibbing High School.

Human Rights Commissioner Kevin Lindsey's office found that a high school administrator inappropriately asked female students about sexual abuse, their use of birth control, their sexuality and their personal relationships.

The report doesn't identify the administrator. The district signed a settlement agreement with the department in October.

The department started an investigation in September 2013 after Hibbing community members raised concerns. The investigation continued for nearly a year and found probable cause for sexual discrimination.

"Investigators found evidence of severe and pervasive sex-based behavior that created a hostile environment for female students that consequently interfered with their ability to learn," Lindsey said last week.

The agency found the district didn't comply with its own harassment investigation policies in the case, and didn't respond appropriately to concerns of other staff members.

The meeting is set for Lincoln Elementary School in Hibbing tonight at 6:30 p.m.