Faces of the Fair: Princess Kay of the Milky Way

2014  Princess Kay of the Milky Way
eni Haler, the Princess Kay of the Milky Way for 2014, sits in the butter cooler as sculptor Linda Christensen carves her likeness in butter at the Minnesota State Fair.
Brian Mark Peterson | The Star Tribune via AP 2014

Princess Kay of the Milky Way will be crowned at 8:30 p.m. the night before the Minnesota State Fair opens.

If you've never heard of Princes Kay, out-going princess Jeni Haler explains.

"Princess Kay of the Milky Way is a tradition in Minnesota. I'm the 61st; this has been going on since 1964, and I am the goodwill ambassador for Minnesota dairy farmers," she said.

Haler said her favorite memory from her year as Princes Kay actually happened on the very first day — when her likeness was carved out of a 90-pound block of butter.

Now that her reign is ending, Haler said she needs to figure out what to do with all that butter.

"Not only do you bring home your sculpture, but you bring home all those scraps," she said.

The butter's sitting in her freezer right now, but she plans to use at least some of it to make cookies around Christmastime.

Haler will pass her crown on to her successor tonight at the State Fair's bandshell.