Today's Question Blog

Should Minnesota be the first state that requires students learn to swim?

File photo Swimming in St. Paul. Jennifer Simonson/MPR News

"Buried in the education bill that passed earlier this month is a measure that requires the state to examine and develop statewide swimming resources. It sets the stage for Minnesota to become the first state in the nation to require swimming in public schools," writes Boua Xiong for KARE11.

The legislation asks the commissioner of education to establish a work group of stakeholders and report back to the legislature on current swimming resources and what it will take to make swimming available to all children in public schools. The report is due next February.

Representative Karen Clark, the bill's author in the house, told KARE 11, "Everyone should have health insurance, everyone should have clean air, and everyone should know how to swim."

While there is no guarantee a mandate requiring swimming for all children will pass during the next legislative session, Hannah Lieder, a swimming advocate who pushed for the bill, believes the state is headed in the right direction.

Today's Question: Should Minnesota be the first state that requires students learn to swim?