
Appetites: 5 dinner party tips from 'The Dinner Party Download' hosts

The Dinner Party Download
Rico Gagliano and Brendan Francis Newnam, hosts of The Dinner Party Download.
Courtesy American Public Media

What makes a great, modern dinner party?

Who better to ask than the hosts of "The Dinner Party Download," the arts and culture show you can hear each Saturday on MPR.

Rico Gagliano and Brendan Francis Newnam, who are in town for a live event at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul this weekend, gave MPR News associate producer Kryssy Pease the scoop on what's essential for a good time over grub.

1) Don't stress about the food.

It's there mostly to facilitate conversation, which is the most important element of a dinner.

2) Have each person bring a bottle of wine.

That means if a couple is coming, that's two bottles. Having people leave to pick up more wine cuts into the flow of the party.

3) The best dinner parties are spontaneous.

If you run into a friend, invite him over and ask him to bring someone, too. This reduces a lot of the "host stress" because there's no big build-up to the event.

4) Clean up.

Sometimes throwing a dinner party is a good excuse to clean your place.

5) Dinner parties are better than brunches.

You only have two days in your weekend and a brunch can take away a whole day. The food is fatty and the drinks are boozy, so you'll leave wanting a long nap.