State of the Arts Blog

Fringe Festival sets new ticket sales record in 2014

The 21st annual Minnesota Fringe Festival, which closed last night, set a new record for ticket sales.

Over its 11-day run, the festival issued 50,226 tickets to 878 performances of 169 different shows.

The previous record, set in 2010, was 50,222 tickets.

Josh Carson and Andy Rocco Kraft in "Our American Assassin, or: You Can't Handle the Booth" (Photo by Jeff D Larson)

Last year the Fringe issued 50,007 tickets to 895 performances of 176 shows.

Executive Director Jeff Larson, who just completed his first full year at the head of the festival, says he couldn't be happier.

"It really is a singular event, and I’m really proud of the way artists and audiences turn up by the thousands to be a part of it and make it a staple in our community,” Larson said in a press release.

The festival distributes up to 70 percent of ticket revenue to participating artists; it's still in the process of calculating revenue for this year.

Twenty eight shows had sold-out performances; see below for the top 10 shows by overall ticket sales, and by percent capacity.

The 22nd annual Minnesota Fringe will be held Jul. 30-Aug. 9, 2015.

Top 10 Shows by Overall Ticket Sales

1. "Hi! Hello! Namaste?" presented by Bollywood Dance Scene – Twin Cities

2. "Fotis Canyon" presented by The Importance of Being Fotis

3. "Mainly Me Productions' Our American Assassin; or You Can’t Handle the Booth!" presented by Malcolm & Jorge

4. "Top Gun: The Musical" presented by Rooftop Theatre Company

5. "Crime and Punishment" presented by Live Action Set

6. "Four Humors Does Every Show in the Fringe" presented by Four Humors

7. "Failure: A Love Story" presented by Campbell Productions

8. "CIRCULATE" presented by Guittar Productions

9. "Marie-Jeanne Valet Who Defeated La Bete du Gevaudan" presented by Sandbox Theatre

10. "A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant" presented by The Catalysts

 Top 10 Shows by Percent Capacity

1. "Into the Unreal City" presented by Catalog Models

2. "The Sex (Ed) Show" presented by V as in Victor

3. "Crime and Punishment" presented by Live Action Set

4. "The History of Minnesota – Unscripted!" presented by The Theater of Public Policy

5. "The Finkles’ Theater Show!!!" presented by Ryan Lear and Rachel Petrie

6. "Pretty People Suck (And Other Indisputable Facts about the Universe" presented by Arc Stages Satellite

7. "Native Man the Musical" presented by New Native Theatre

8. "Hi! Hello! Namaste?" presented by Bollywood Dance Scene – Twin Cities

9. "Macaroni On A Hotdog" presented by Snapdragon Theatre

10. "Djinn & Tonic" presented by Jawaahir Dance Company