Today's Question Blog

Should Tucson serve as a water use blueprint for Minnesota?

David Stevenson
David Stevenson shows the cisterns where he stores 5,000 gallons of rainwater he has harvested at his home in Tucson. Nick Cote for MPR News

You may have heard or read some of our coverage Tuesday on lessons Tucson, Ariz., may have for water use in Minnesota. That’s a city that has grown substantially yet kept water consumption flat through a variety of conservation and reuse measures. The city encourages greywater use and rainwater capture; it recycles treated wastewater through a “purple pipe” system to golf courses, parks, schools and homes for irrigation; it stores water it doesn’t need today in underground aquifers.

Water pumping
Tucson's water use is back down to 1990 levels even though the population has grown by 40 percent. William Lager / MPR News

Today's Question: Should Tucson serve as a water use blueprint for Minnesota?

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