Today's Question Blog

If vacation time were no issue, what adventure would you take?

White Iron training
Ely adventurers Dave Freeman and Paul Schurke on White Iron Lake outside of Ely, Minn. to prepare for their 400-mile paddle down the Rio Roosevelt in Brazil. (Wilderness Classroom photo)

Minnesota explorers Paul Schurke and Dave Freeman are embarking on a 400 mile canoe trip through the Amazon jungle. The estimated six week trip retraces a deadly route taken by Theodore Roosevelt 100 years ago.

You can learn more about their excursion when Schurke and Freeman join MPR News today from Sao Palo, Brazil at 11:00a.m. for an online chat before they head into the Amazon. Pose your questions for them here.

Today's Question: If vacation time were no issue, what adventure would you take?