Dayton to push for another tax cut

Gov. Mark Dayton
Gov. Mark Dayton said on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 that he was pleased with the results of the 2013 session, and said the session represented progress after years of partisan battles at the Capitol.
MPR Photo/Tim Nelson

Governor Mark Dayton says he still hopes to add some accomplishments to this year's legislative session.

Dayton signed a bill Monday raising the minimum wage and indexing future increases to inflation. He says he'd also like to put some of the state's expected $1.2 billion surplus to use.

Dayton spoke to MPR's Morning Edition Tuesday.

"I think we have room for one more tax cut bill. That would include property tax relief and also the child care tax credit that I have proposed. The cost of child care now for working Minnesotans is just astronomical, and I think the child care tax credit we have now, which phases out at a relatively low income level, is just not not meeting the needs of middle income working parents and that's something we should make a real priority."

Dayton also said he's still hoping for a large bonding bill to help boost the state's economy. But he said he doesn't think that lawmakers will make any major changes to the state's sex offender program, despite a warning about the program from a federal judge in February.