Today's Question Blog

Should Walmart pay its workers more?

Note: Eligibility for food stamps varies according to income, number of dependents and other factors. This estimate of Walmart's potential cost from raising wages is based on wages for a Walmart employee with one dependent working 30 hours a week, a typical retail worker based on federal data.

"One in seven Americans is on food stamps today. That's more than twice what the rate was in 2000. Some of that can be explained by changing eligibility requirements and job-losses during the recession. But the fastest growing group of food stamp participants in the last few decades are people who have jobs and work full year-round," writes Andrew Bouvé at Marketplace.

The video above provides an estimate of "how much more Wal-Mart might have to charge for some products, if it raised wages high enough that a typical worker earned too much to qualify for food stamps."

Today's Question: Should Walmart pay its workers more?