Teen guilty in brutal attack on Ray Widstrand

Ray Widstrand
Ray Widstrand.
MPR Photo/Matt Sepic

A St. Paul teenager has been found guilty in a beating last summer that left a man with a severe brain injury.

Cindarion De'Angelo Butler was found guilty of first degree assault and robbery for the Aug. 4 beating. Ray Widstrand was reportedly passing by a fight outside a party, tried to intervene and was assaulted by a group of youths.

Police said they found Widstrom's blood on Butler's shoe, an apparent indication he'd kicked Widstrom while he lay unconscious in the street.

Widstrom has been left disabled by the assault, and has needed assistance to walk during the trial. He also reportedly has difficulty talking because of the injuries he recieved in the beating.

Four young men were charged in the assault. One was acquitted in November, another pleaded guilty in October. Another youth, a 15-year-old, faces a hearing today on whether he'll be charged as an adult. Butler is scheduled to be sentenced in March.

Widstrand showed up at the Butler trial last week, walking with a cane. He stepped out and did not return after a dispute arose over whether his presence jeopardized the defendant's right to a fair trial.

In an interview last October, Widstrand said he had forgiven his attackers.