Today's Question Blog

Is your view of Congress improving?

Congress agrees something.

"Top congressional negotiators Monday night released a bipartisan $1.1 trillion spending bill that would pay for the operations of government through October and finally put to rest the bitter budget battles of last year." (AP)

The House is expected to vote Wednesday on the bill.

In November, the approval rating of the U.S. Congress hit an all time low.

More from NPR's Two-Way:

According to The Associated Press, "the GOP-led House is slated to pass the 1,582-page bill Wednesday, though many Tea Party conservatives are sure to oppose it." A Senate vote is expected by week's end and that Democratic-led chamber is also expected to pass the plan.

NPR's Ailsa Chang tells our Newscast Desk that the bill "fleshes out the broad outlines provided in last month's budget agreement on Capitol Hill."

The budget, she says, authorizes spending "for nearly every speck of government within the guidelines of last month's budget agreement. One notable difference between this bill and the December deal involves cuts to military pensions. The budget agreement announced last month reduced the annual cost-of-living increases for military retirees under 62 by one percent. This spending plan reverses that cut, but only for disabled veterans and relatives of deceased members of the military."

Today's Question: Is your view of Congress improving?