Stadium Watch Blog

Metrodome now taking bids on seat removal ahead of demolition

It looks like you may still have a chance to get a blue plastic piece of history -- for about $50.

The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority has issued a request for proposals, looking to outsource the salvage work it's going to take to save the tens of thousands of seats sought by fans and other sports facilities.

The MSFA said earlier this month that it couldn't afford what it cost to dismantle the stands and give them away.

Here's the job, as described in the RFP just posted by the stadium authority:

Remove fixed riser mounted seats within the time frame of 8 a.m., Dec. 30, 2013 to noon, January 17, 2014 from the stadium site. Note: the stadium will not be heated beginning Jan. 15, 2014. Provide seats for pickup at the stadium at a cost not to exceed $50 each to designated Minnesota public organizations and Minnesota 501c charities prior to Jan. 18, 2014.

The Authority will provide a listing of these organizations and quantities by Dec. 18, 2013. The sale proceeds of seats provided to Authority designated non profit or public organizations are to reimburse Proposer for the expense of seat removal, labor/transporation to a designated location on the Metrodome site, and costs to load onto those designated organizations delivery vehicles. Proposer shall receive and document those receipts.

Proposer is at sole risk and expense (to) sell any remaining seats at value it determines.

The MSFA is telling would-be seat sellers they have to demonstrate "substantial relevant experience." Oh, and the winner will have to put up a $2 million "performance bond" to guarantee the work will get done. That's reportedly scared off a couple of bidders already.

Jenn Hathaway, spokeswoman for the MSFA, says it's the only realistic way to salvage the seats. "We've looked at every single possible way we can do this, but we just can't. We need someone who has experience doing this to help us out."

Also note: The terms above are for bulk purchases of the seats. Individual requests for seats will have to go to the winning bidder for the seat removal contract, and the MSFA expects that a formal request process for the public will be part of any final arrangements. It isn't clear if fans will be able to request seats from a particular location.

Bids are due Friday, and a winner will be picked next Monday, on Christmas Eve Eve.

Here's the specs for those of you tempted to start tearing out Metrodome seats: