Today's Question Blog

Should the U.S. government reconsider clemency for Edward Snowden?


Image: screen capture of Guardian video interview with Snowden.

"'Speaking the truth is not a crime,' Mr Snowden wrote. He claimed that the US government was persecuting him by charging him with espionage," reports the BBC.

"Mr Snowden violated US law. He should return to the US and face justice," said White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer.

Mr Snowden asked for international help to persuade the US to drop spying charges against him in a letter given to a German politician.

Mr Snowden, 30, fled to Russia in June after leaking details of far-reaching US telephone and internet espionage.

He was granted temporary asylum, allowing him to live in Russia until July 2014.

In a surprise move last week, a German Green MP met Mr Snowden in Moscow and revealed the former intelligence contractor's readiness to brief the German government on National Security Agency's (NSA) spying. (BBC News)

Today's Question: Should the U.S. government reconsider clemency for Edward Snowden?