Today's Question Blog

What should be the focus of the next state legislative session?

Minnesota State Capitol Dome by Furqan Rauf via the MPR News Flickr pool

"If Gov. Mark Dayton has his way, next year's legislative session will be unlike any other."

"Dayton has already dubbed 2014 the 'unsession,' because he wants legislators to spend much of their time eliminating old, outdated state laws rather than adding new ones. He's been collecting suggestions on what to get rid of, as well as ideas for making government better, faster and simpler," writes MPR News reporter Tim Pugmire.

Here's a sampling of the ideas submitted by members of the public to Dayton for the 2014 session:

"Run prisons like bootcamps. Require education and physical conditioning along with absolute honor of the staff. Quit making the prisons so 'nice' ... the current system delivers worse citizens upon 'graduating' from prison."

"Why not allow alcohol sales on Sundays? Many people near borders to other states are crossing to purchase alcohol, eliminating the pros to no alcohol sales. We are purposefully sending revenue across the border."

"Community gardens, food shelf gardens, and corporate employee 'giving gardens' are growing in MN. If the state created or allowed employees to create office vegetable gardens on state sites, healthy eating and physical activity would benefit employees, and maybe cut insurance costs in the future."

"I submit that the entire state government, including every member of the legislature, resign and not be able to run for office for at least 6 years to allow new people with new ideas a chance to govern."

Today's Question: What should be the focus of the next state legislative session?