Today's Question Blog

Should the state buy the Minnesota Orchestra?

The Minnesota Orchestra performing at the 4th of July celebration in Excelsior, MN. Photo by peterrieke via MPR News Flickr pool

Minnesota House Rep. Phyllis Kahn says she's sponsoring a bill to buy the Minnesota Orchestra.

"Kahn, a DFL-er from south Minneapolis, is suggesting the state form a corporation to take over the orchestra and then sell stock to the public. Kahn says she will introduce the bill at the next legislative session, and it may well evolve before then," writes MPR News arts reporter Euan Kerr."

Kahn says the Orchestra is a valuable asset which should be under community control. She has not contacted the Minnesota Orchestral Association which runs the orchestra. The orchestra locked out its musicians over a year ago after failing to reach a contract, and no negotiations are currently scheduled.

She cites the Green Bay Packers as a model for public ownership, and a bill she worked on in years past for community ownership of the Minnesota Twins.

Today's Question: Should the state buy the Minnesota Orchestra?