Today's Question Blog

What has been your greatest adventure?

Jason Zabokrtsky is setting off on a 14 day bushwhacking trip through the wilderness.

Jason Zabokrtsky breaking trail. (Photo via Zabokrtsky)

Zabokrtsky set off this morning from Atikokan, Ontario. He's on a solo bushwhacking trip to Ely, Minnesota. At his fastest he will be moving a mile per hour while bushwhacking. He will see things in Quetico Provincial Park and in the Boundary Waters Canoe Are Wilderness that have never, or have only rarely, been seen by human eyes.

"I spend a lot of time like this up here," Zabrokrtsky an Ely-based guide and outfitter said, "but have never done anything on this scale by any means."

“When I sit here at the shop and look at the map wall and I look at all the water up there and I’ve seen a lot of the views from the lakes and rivers, but I haven’t seen the views from the land. I want to get to know this region more completely on a bushwhack like this. The mystery lies beyond the trees where nobody goes." More on Zabokrtsky's excursion via Statewide

Today's Question: What has been your greatest adventure?