Today's Question Blog

Are you pleased with your lawmaker’s stance on intervention in Syria?

Don't bomb Syria protest in Minneapolis
Protesters opposed to U.S military action in Syria picketed U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar's office on Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013 in Minneapolis. (MPR News/Jon Collins)

"About 200 protesters opposed to U.S military action in Syria picketed U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar's office in Minneapolis on Tuesday afternoon," writes Jon Collins for MPR News.

President Barack Obama has asked Congress to weigh in on using military force following a chemical attack the administration said was linked to Syrian President Bashar Assad's government.

One of the protesters, Neil Fagerhaugh of Hugo, said he'd like to see Klobuchar strongly oppose the resolution, especially in the wake of U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"I don't want any type of action limited or otherwise," Fagerhaugh said. "When they say it's going to be limited, that's a guess -- they don't know what the responses are going to be from other interested parties."

Margo Casey of St. Paul said bombing Syria would be ethically wrong.

"Enough people have died and I think it would just unleash a terrible disaster in all of the Middle East," Casey said. "We just seem to be on a course of endless war, and that needs to stop."

The Washington Post is keeping tally of where member of congress stand on intervention in Syria. Check where your lawmaker stands here.


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Capitol View: MN delegation reacts to Obama plan to seek authorization for Syria strike

Today's Question: Are you pleased with your lawmaker's stance on intervention in Syria?