Stadium Watch Blog

4 more things to know about the new Vikings stadium

High tech materials aren't the only novelty the new Vikings stadium may feature. (Read about ethylene tetrafluoroethylene here.)

There's also some other very interesting details in the draft environmental impact statement just put out by the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority.

1. Blowing up the old stadium is apparently still one of the options for taking it down after the Vikings finish their 2013 season -- possibly as late as mid January next year. Here's the story on the plans for demolition from the draft EIS:

"Demolition of the Metrodome will commence as soon as the facility is vacated, which is expected to occur in January, 2014. Demolition will begin with the removal of the fabric roof, and its structure and demolition of the loading dock area. After the roof material is removed, demolition of the stadium structure will commence in the northeast corner of the building, It has yet to be determined in what sequence the demolition will proceed. Implosion has not been eliminated as a possible means of demolition."

2. The new Vikings stadium may be higher than the existing stadium, too. A lot higher.

"The new stadium is somewhat larger and, at its highest point, is approximately 100 feet taller than the Metrodome, assuming it is built at the same elevation as the existing structure."

3. The Star Tribune's building could go too.

"The Proposed Project would also involve the demolition of the existing Star Tribune building on the block bounded by 4th and 5th Streets and Park and Portland Avenues. Approximately 600 people currently work in the 425 Portland. If these employees need to be relocated, the Star Tribune has stated that it will search for existing space in downtown Minneapolis to lease."

4. The draft EIS has the most complete project schedule we've seen to date:

  • Demolition of Metrodome -- first quarter of 2014

  • Improvements to TCF Stadium -- summer of 2014

  • Excavation for new stadium -- first quarter to third quarter of 2014

  • Foundations -- first quarter of 2014 to fourth quarter of 2014

  • Building structure -- second quarter of 2014 to fourth quarter of 2015

  • Roof structure -- third quarter of 2014 to fourth quarter of 2015

  • Enclosure -- second quarter of 2014 to fourth quarter of 2015

  • Interior finishes -- fourth quarter of 2015 to second quarter 2016

  • Sitework -- third quarter of 2015 to second quarter of 2016.