Stadium Watch Blog

Updated: Vikings and baseball ready to play well together in new stadium

The dispute over whether the new Vikings "People's Stadium" will accommodate baseball people seems close to getting resolved.

Amateur baseball, like the University of Minnesota's team, expressed alarm that the Vikings intentions to bring fan seating as close to the action as possible might hem in hitters in the new stadium.

"We think the teams that play there will always be disappointed in the baseball layout as proposed," wrote Gophers coach John Anderson, in an email to stadium officials, when they asked the U about the prospective designs -- like the one in an HKS rendering above.

But Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority chairwoman Michele Kelm-Helgen says she thinks there's a design within reach that can accommodate both, in the end.

"I think we'll have a solution that both gives the team what they're looking for, as far as the NFL experience, and takes care of the right field wall that our colleges and high schools and the University of Minnesota is worried about," Kelm-Helgen says. "We're close."

UPDATE: MSFA, Vikings, reached a deal this afternoon. Here's the nitty gritty:

Here's the tale of the tape, leading up to it.

The Vikings weigh in:

The MSFA gives a heads up to the University:

The University of Minnesota responds: