Stadium Watch Blog

Vikings: Seat licenses are a viable and likely part of stadium financing

Lester Bagley (thumb)

Lester Bagley, the Vikings vice president,  told Pioneer Press columnist Bob Sansevere that personal seat licenses -- those upfront, one time fees that caused such a stir last fall -- will probably be back.

"We believe they are viable in this market and likely will be included as part of the ultimate finance package," Bagley told Sansevere. He didn't say, though, how much they might cost.

The idea brought a stern rebuke from Gov. Mark Dayton back in November, although the MSFA and the Vikings later patched things up and said the fees were still on the table.

The team surveyed ticket holders last year, and gave them an unpleasant surprise. An online survey inquired about their willingness to pay as much as $15,000 a seat for their right to buy season tickets. Many balked at the idea, although Dayton later toned down his criticism.

Here's what got everybody so worked up before Thanksgiving:


