Stadium Watch Blog

Builder decision delayed for Vikings stadium


It turns out the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority WON'T be picking a builder for its new stadium tomorrow, as scheduled. The pick was on the monthly meeting agenda, but the MSFA says it's still talking to the two likely contenders, Arizona-based Hunt Construction and Minneapolis-based Mortenson Construction.

"I think we all believe that it's better to make the decision carefully, and make sure we make the right decision, rather than quickly," says MSFA board chairwoman Michele Kelm-Helgen. She notes that the last big contract, for design services, went a little beyond the deadline.

But it also came in under the budget estimate. Kelm-Helgen says they'd like to repeat that.

"I hope so. You know, a lot of this is to try to get the most for the money spent, to try to get the best prices so we can afford to put things into the stadium that are going to be important to everyone," she says.

Kelm-Helgen says she expects a board meeting to announce the award next week.

Here's the official word from the MSFA: