Soldier's memoir touches on a different fight

Lt. Col. Mark Weber has been called a hero by people who hardly ever use that word. His story has been called inspirational by an impressive array of the military's top brass, best-selling authors, and Hollywood celebrities.

The Minnesota soldier's 23-year career has been distinguished, and Weber is highly decorated. However, it is his more recent personal story that is drawing attention.

In 2010, shortly after he was selected by Gen. David Petraeus for a high-level mission in Afghanistan, Weber was diagnosed with stage four cancer. The last two years for him and his family have been filled with grueling medical treatments and writing a book — which many said he would not finish.

The memoir called "Tell My Sons..." touches on Weber's family life, military career and the ever-present, sometimes graphic challenge of fighting cancer.

Weber speaks with MPR's Tom Crann about his life with a disease that has enough of a persona that he has given it a name.