Stadium Watch Blog

Vikings election week picks

Minnesota Momentum, the "grass roots" campaign run out of Winter Park to help build support for a stadium, has some election advice for Minnesotans. They've blasted out an email asking fans to support legislators who voted "Yes" for a stadium when they go to the polls on Tuesday. Here's their list: SENATORS (district locator information below): Senators, Party and District Thomas Bakk (DFL), 03 | John Pederson (R), 14 Terri Bonoff (DFL), 44 | Roger Reinert (DFL), 07 John Carlson (R), 05 | Ann Rest (DFL), 45 Bobby Champion (DFL), 59* | Julie Rosen (R), 23 Dick Cohen (DFL), 64 | Tom Saxhaug (DFL), 05 Kent Eken (DFL), 04* | David Senjem (R), 25 Michelle Fischbach (R), 13 | Kathy Sheran (DFL), 19 Joe Gimse (R), 17 | Katie Sieben (DFL), 54 Barb Goodwin (DFL), 41 | Rod Skoe (DFL), 02 Bill Ingebrigtsen (R), 08 | Dan Sparks (DFL), 27 Lyle Koenen (DFL), 17 | Leroy Stumpf (DFL), 01 Ron Latz (DFL), 46 | David Tomassoni (DFL), 06 James Metzen (DFL), 52 | Torrey Westrom (R), 12* Jeremy Miller (R), 28 | Charles Wiger (DFL), 43 Carla Nelson (R), 26 Note: *Bobby Champion previously represented district 58B. *Kent Eken previously represented district 02A. *Torrey Westrom previously represented district 11A.   REPRESENTATIVES (district locator information below): Representatives, Party and District Jim Abeler (R), 35A   |  Paul Marquart (DFL), 04B Paul Anderson (R), 12B   |  Denny McNamara (R), 54B Tom Anzelc (DFL), 05B   |  Carly Melin (DFL), 06A Joe Atkins (DFL), 52B   |  Rena Moran (DFL), 65A Michael Beard (R), 55A   |  Terry Morrow (DFL), 19A John Benson (DFL), 44B   |  Mary Murphy (DFL), 03B Kathy Brynaert (DFL), 19B   |  Rich Murray (R), 27A Tony Cornish (R), 23B   |  Michael Nelson (DFL), 40A Greg Davids (R), 28B   |  Bud Nornes (R), 08A David Dill (DFL), 03A   |  Kim Norton (DFL), 25B Dan Fabian (R), 01A   |  Tim O’Driscoll (R), 13B Patty Fritz (DFL), 24B   |  Gene Pelowski, Jr. (DFL), 28A Pat Garofalo (R), 58B   |  John Persell (DFL), 05A Steve Gottwalt (R), 14A   |  Jeanne Poppe (DFL), 27B Bob Gunther (R), 23A   |  Tim Sanders (R), 37B Rod Hamilton (R), 22B   |  Joe Schomacker(R), 22A Debra Hilstrom (DFL), 40B   |  Steve Simon (DFL), 46B Joe Hoppe (R), 47B   |  Linda Slocum (DFL), 50A Larry Howes (R), 05A   |  Paul Thissen (DFL), 61B Sheldon Johnson (DFL), 67B   |  Paul Torkelson (R), 16B Tim Kelly (R), 21A   |  Dean Urdahl (R), 18A Debra Kiel (R), 01B   |  Bruce Vogel (R), 17B John Lesch (DFL), 66B   |  John Ward (DFL), 10A Leon Lillie (DFL), 43B   |  Ryan Winkler (DFL), 46A Tim Mahoney (DFL), 67A   |  Kelby Woodard (R), 20A Carlos Mariani (DFL), 65B