Stadium Watch Blog

Plaza Palooza!


Even as the Vikings are busy penciling out their new digs on the East Side of downtown, the Twins look ready to roll out a little concrete carpet of their own. The Pioneer Press's John Shipley has a look this morning at the team's ambitions for some of the "Interchange" a transit hub starting to take shape beside Target Field. Shipley notes that Pohlad-owned United Properties has already moved into the neighborhood, with a rehab of the nearby historic Ford factory, kitty corner from the Twins ballpark.

It's the shape of things to come: The Twins, Wild and soon the Vikings and Timberwolves and even the Saints are all home in, or soon to be home in, state of the art digs. The Wild, with soon to be the oldest facility, have already been rooting around, looking for some expansion opportunity like the "Pond" proposal that first surfaced for the Cleveland Circle  area back in the Randy Kelly administration. So, it looks like the sports facilities arms race is showing no sign of abating.