Statewide Blog

BWCA burns; Taking it to the stoop; Big fish story

Officials monitoring nearly a dozen fires in Boundary Waters

"It hasn't rained much for the past two months across parts of Northeastern Minnesota, with parched trees and brush in the forest spurring small fires to grow when they usually would flicker out," Duluth News Tribune.

ArcelorMittal negotiations continue

WDIO: "The ArcelorMittal unions have presented a comprehensive proposal to the company which they feel they could recommend to its members.Thousands of those members did a practice picket at all of the ArcelorMittal facilities in the country Wednesday, including Minorca Mine in Virginia."

Demonstrations in front of directors' homes to continue indefinitely

"As the American Crystal Sugar lockout drags into its 13th month, union members are taking the fight to the doorstep of the company's directors," Fargo Forum.

Obama's speech reax: "Modest"

Andrew Sullivan takes the temperature of just under a dozen bloggers/pundits to Pres. Obama's keynote speech including: "Modest," "stay-the-course," "never quite managed to soar" and "failed to defend his record half as well as Mr. Clinton."

Islamic group buys former Medtronic HQ in St. Anthony

"The status of plans for a cultural and religious center in St. Anthony is unclear," Star Tribune.

16-year-old Hastings girl catches 375-pound halibut in Alaska

"During her 16 years on earth, Kate Curtis hasn't caught a lot of fish. The ones she has caught, though, have certainly been memorable. In August, while in Alaska on a family vacation, Curtis caught what may be her last fish - an 88-inch, 375-pound halibut," Hastings Star Gazette.