Statewide Blog

The quiet pipeline project; Ron Paul supporters look for new home; Dog school

Stay the course: Enbridge avoids fight in pipeline expansion

"Enbridge Inc. is vastly boosting its pipeline system through Superior to the Gulf Coast, but it's avoiding the level of scrutiny that federal regulators, environmentalists and landowners are giving the rival Keystone XL oil pipeline project," Duluth News Tribune.

Is cooling the house heating up the planet?

MPR News: "In Minnesota, about half our electricity comes from burning coal. That's where the concept of an air conditioning feedback loop begins, said J. Drake Hamilton of the nonprofit group Fresh Energy."

Ron Paul, on the future of the GOP "Big Tent" party: "We will become the tent!" (MPR News). "Mr. Paul, in an interview, said convention planners had offered him an opportunity to speak under two conditions: that he deliver remarks vetted by the Romney campaign, and that he give a full-fledged endorsement of Mr. Romney. He declined. 'It wouldn't be my speech,' Mr. Paul said. 'That would undo everything I've done in the last 30 years. I don't fully endorse him for president,'" (New York Times).

MN delegate accuses Romney campaign of 'power grab'

"Marianne Stebbins, a supporter of Ron Paul's presidential campaign who chairs the Minnesota delegation to the Republican National Convention, said new delegation selection rules 'strip state parties' authority to choose convention delegates," Capitol View. "Rep. Bachmann and Ron Paul's state chair threatened efforts to show that Republicans solidly support Romney," Star Tribune.

Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain fire up tea party faithful ahead of RNC

"Sunday's rally set the table for members to align themselves with the GOP message. After tea partiers packed an east Hillsborough megachurch to standing-room-only Sunday night, after they were told jeering, heckling and animal noises were encouraged," Tampa Bay Times.

Coleman is back in a GOP seat of power

"The former U.S. senator has a big role in party's 2012 strategy," Star Tribune.

Hudson dog track site least costly, school report says

"The St. Croix Meadows Greyhound Racing Park would be the least expensive of four potential sites for a secondary school, according to a new report the Hudson School District planned to release Monday, Aug. 27," Pioneer Press.