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MN-08 Debate [video]; DNT endorses Anderson; Food-truck fair flop

8th District DFL candidate debate

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The UpTake: "Minnesota's 8th Congressional District is expected to be a close race this year. That's why there are three DFL candidates vying to be on the ballot against Congressman Chip Cravaack this fall. Rick Nolan, Tarryl Clark and Jeff Anderson debate Monday night in Brainerd, Minnesota."


The Duluth News Tribune endorses Jeff Anderson

MPR News: Dems. in countdown to 8th District primary

Also on MN Today

Big questions linger about Lake Superior after the Duluth flood

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Fine print within photo ID proposal could loom large

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Duluth's Fox 21 news director resigns over Facebook post

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Food truck fair fiasco

"In the wake of what was billed as the first annual Food Truck Fair in downtown Minneapolis, disappointed attendees are demanding refunds," reports the Pioneer Press.