Drought brings concern for crops and livestock

Dry cornfield
This cornfield in Polk County, Minn., shows signs of stress because of drought conditions in northwestern Minnesota.
Photo courtesy of Jim Stordahl

There was some rain in southwest Minnesota today but not enough to change what has become a serious drought in that part of the state. Much of the southern and western part of the state is dry and crops are hurting.

MPR's Mark Steil in Worthington, Minn., speaks with Tom Crann of All Things Considered.

Parts of northwest, southwest and southeast Minnesota are experiencing moderate drought. Some areas have had only a third of an inch of rain or so over the past month.

The U.S. Agriculture Department's weekly report shows that 67 percent of the state's corn is in good to excellent condition. But compared to other areas of the nation's corn belt, the crop in Minnesota is still in good condition.

Crop expert Jeff Coulter, an agronomist with the University of Minnesota Extension, said that the state's corn harvest has already been reduced by at least 10 percent over what was expected earlier in the year. A concern is that some kernels on corn ears are drying out and wasting away.