Recovery centers open in NE Minnesota

Throwing out furniture
David O'Rourke (left) and Kevin O'Rourke (right) dispose of a flood-damaged piece of furniture Friday afternoon at the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District Materials Recovery Center Friday afternoon in Duluth, Minn.
Derek Montgomery for MPR

Disaster recovery centers are opening up in northern Minnesota today, in the wake of last month's storms and flooding.

The centers are being run by the Homeland Security and Emergency Management division of the state's Department of Public Safety. They will bring together state and local government agencies that will have information and resources for residents and business owners who suffered damage during the flooding.

State services include the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, the Attorney General's office, the departments of health and human services and the department of employment and economic development.

The services will be available in three locations, starting this afternoon. They include the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center, the Barnum High School and the Willow River School. All three will be open from 1 to 7 p.m. today, and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. through Monday.

State officials say they'll have someone to meet with anyone who needs assistance as a result of the flooding.

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