Statewide Blog

Dayton expects special session for flood aid; Bad air day; Obermueller targets Kline

Dayton tours flood zone, says special session could provide aid

MPR News: "The governor expects there to be a special legislative session in the near future to provide relief to flooded communities. He said there may be some immediate state resources available to help rebuild damaged roads."

Also on MN Today

Range blogger Aaron Brown joins MPR News editor Michael Olson at 2:00p for a video chat about the Steelworkers recent loss at Mesabi Nugget. The chat will take place on the Google+ page for MPR News. If you can't make the chat, the video will be posted here on the Statewide blog later this afternoon.


Mesabi Daily News: Mesabi Nugget unionization vote fails

Minnesota Brown: Steelworkers suffer big defeat in Mesabi Nugget vote

Wildfire smoke sparks air alert in Twin Cities

Star Tribune: "A warm sunny day combined with southwest winds carrying wildfire smoke from the west are expected to raise ozone levels to near unhealthy levels on Wednesday in the Twin Cities and Rochester, the state Pollution Control Agency announced."

Supreme Court's ruling on health law carries big stakes in Minnesota

Pioneer Press: "An expected U.S. Supreme Court decision Thursday, June 28, about the federal government's sweeping health care law has generated at least one point of agreement for friends and foes of the legislation. Both sides say the ruling will have a big impact in Minnesota."

Duluth roads in ruin, repairs could take years

MPR News: "A week after a storm dumped record rainfall across the region, parts of the area's road network still lie in ruin, and officials say it'll likely take until next year to fully repair the damage."

Public forum on VRMC agreement set for July 11th

Mesabi Daily News: "The Hospital Commission on Monday approved the agreement on a 4-2 vote, with Essentia physician and commissioner member Dr. Wendell Smith abstaining. If the council now approves the pact by a two-thirds vote it will go into effect, most likely by the end of August."

Sioux gain major role at Canterbury in pact

Star Tribune: "The new agreement between the Mdewakanton Sioux and Canterbury Park goes beyond having the tribe increase race purses in exchange for the track dropping its push for racino -- it gives the Sioux a major presence at the state's premiere horse racing venue."

In 2nd District, Obermueller targets Kline on Medicare

MPR News: "Like most summer-time parades, the one at Cottage Grove's Strawberry Fest in mid-June, teamed with candy-chasing kids, and vote chasing politicians. Among the mayors, city council members, county commissioners and legislators was Democrat Mike Obermueller, who is running against U.S. Rep. John Kline in Minnesota's 2nd District."

Student in Facebook posts case found dead

MN Daily: "Amanda Tatro died a week after losing her case at the Minnesota Supreme Court."

Analysis: President Obama a consistent critic of the Supreme Court

Smart Politics: "Obama's critical comments of the Court outweigh favorable comments by more than a 4:1 margin since taking office."

Who Should Romney Pick for His Vice President?

Reasons for picking Pawlenty: "As a two- term governor he reined in spending and took on public-sector unions." Ramesh Ponnuru writes in Bloomberg.