Statewide Blog

Moderation in North Dakota; Voter ID costs; No train to Duluth

ND voters dump Fighting Sioux nickname

AP: "Voters approved a measure that lets the University of North Dakota dump its controversial Fighting Sioux nickname." Forum of Fargo Moorhead: "'Obviously, we're disappointed,' said Sean Johnson, Bismarck, spokesman for the group that sought the referendum on the nickname. He blamed 'a lot of false fears generated by the foundation,' a reference to the UND Alumni Association and Foundation, which took the lead in encouraging a vote to allow UND to retire the nickname. Keeping it, the alumni groups and others said, could severely damage UND because of NCAA sanctions. The alumni groups spent about $250,000 on the campaign, mostly on TV advertising. 'When your opposition outspends you 25-1, they'd better fire their ad company if they don't win,' Johnson said."

Property tax ban crushed at polls

Forum of Fargo Moorhead: "North Dakota's property tax revolt fizzled at the polls in primary election returns Tuesday night."

Fargo expands panhandling ban

AP: "The Fargo City Commission is moving forward with plans to expand a city ordinance banning panhandling."

Voter ID supporters dispute Ramsey Co. election cost estimates

MPR News: "County officials estimate that having enough staff and equipment to check IDs and confirm voter eligibility will cost an additional $1.7 million for each two-year election cycle. They say that property tax payers may have to foot the bill."

Minnesota warming trend gains steam

Star Tribune: "Minnesota is warming, and faster than most of the rest of the country. Since 1970, the state famed for its deep-freeze sensibilities was the nation's third-fastest-warming state, and its average minimum temperatures rose faster than any other state's."

Minneapolis-Duluth Northern Lights Express derailed by Anoka County commissioners

News Cut: "Anoka County delivered a big punch in the gut to people who helped it get the commuter rail service it coveted and now uses. County commissioners today voted 4-to-3 to pull out of the Northern Lights Express project, which sought to bring passenger rail service from Minneapolis to Duluth."

Charges: Lakeville middle-schoolers paid girl $5, soda to take locker-room photos

Pioneer Press: "Parents and students in Lakeville are on the fence. They cant decide whether they support the decision to file criminal charges against four middle school students accused of taking and sending inappropriate photos and video of two classmates."

St. Anthony City Council rejects Islamic center plan

Star Tribune: "A lawsuit could follow after St. Anthony City Council voted 4-1 against proposal, citing land use and zoning."

Twins look strong as offense holds off Phillies "When analyzing his team before the season, Twins manager Ron Gardenhire kept harping on how he felt the offense would be his club's strength this year."

Educational attainment in Minnesota, visualized

Minnesota Data Opener: "Congratulations to Jason Voiovich, Amanda Rohrer and Patrick Martin. They won the first Minnesota Data Opener which challenged data wizards to visualize state educational attainment data."

Saint Paul's Rock and Roll over rainbow

Nokohaha: "And on the sixth day of the sixth month, twelve years into the twenty-first century this giant rainbow shows up over Hague Avenue in Saint Paul. Children start running up and down the sidewalks leaping and screaming at the top of their lovely, little lungs."