Statewide Blog

Venus transit; Walker talk; Bachmann drag

MSUM right spot to see Venus transit

Forum of Fargo Moorhead: "Astronomy enthusiasts around the area are gearing up for an event today that won't happen again for another 105 years." When you look, don't stare directly at the sun. Use a filter, like a pinhole camera. The U of M hosts viewings at a couple locations in the Twin Cities. (h/t @jenehrlichMPR)

Pew: Americans are more polarized

NPR: "It's not just our politicians who are divided. According to a new report (pdf) from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, Americans' values and 'basic beliefs are more polarized along partisan lines than at any point in the past 25 years.'"

The big recall question: How will Tuesday's electorate compare to 2010?

Journal Sentinel: "With few undecided voters left, the biggest question mark remaining before Tuesday's historic recall election is the composition of the electorate. Which voters vote?"

How big will Barrett score in Dane and Milwaukee Counties?

Smart Politics: "Holding 2010 totals constant for the state's other 70 counties, Barrett would need to carry 75.1 percent of the vote in Wisconsin's two most populated counties to beat Walker on Tuesday (up from 64.1 percent in 2010)."

What Wisconsin's recall election tells us about Obama Romney: Nothing

Slate: "Inevitably, pundits have cast it as a 'test run' for Obama/Romney."

Oberstar endorses Nolan in 8th District

MPR News: "Long-time DFL U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar endorsed Rick Nolan Monday in his bid to unseat GOP freshman incumbent Chip Cravaack."

Electoral Vote Map: Obama 257, Romney 181

HuffPost: "Maps and electoral vote counts for the 2012 presidential election. Our latest estimate has Obama at 257 electoral votes and Romney at 181."

A closer look at Minnesota

Winona council upholds frac sand permit

Winona Daily News: "The Winona City Council voted 4-2 Monday to uphold a May decision by the city's board of adjustment to allow a local trucking company to ship frac sand through the commercial dock."

Black bear euthanized after eating Canadian murderer

AP: "Canadian conservation officers have euthanized a black bear that ate the remains of a convicted murderer."

Forest tent caterpillars rev up for 'the big one' in northern Minnesota

Star Tribune: "The caterpillars, which during peak infestations can make a stinky mess of the outdoors, develop in cycles over the course of decades or more. They set a record in 2002-03, clearing 7.5 million acres of hardwood trees of their leaves in central and northern Minnesota."

Pinnacle airlines leaving Memphis for Minnesota?

Fox: "Pinnacle Airlines may be jet-setting from Memphis to Minnesota. Joe Williams, Corporate Communications Manager for Pinnacle, says Minnesota has approached the Memphis-based company about moving their headquarters there."

Council considers Carnegie plan

Bemidji Pioneer: "The Save the Carnegie Committee is about to embark on a major fundraising drive to raise more than $1 million to preserve and restore the city's historic Carnegie Library."

The American Queen paddle-wheeler cruises on the Mississippi

New York Times: "This spring, the American Queen welcomed its first passengers in years. As it cruised the Mississippi, things seemed fine until a 'wreck' threatened to do the unthinkable: disrupt dinner."

If Michele Bachmann was Romney's running mate, Obama's lead in Minnesota would increase by 6 points

— PublicPolicyPolling (@ppppolls) June 4, 2012