Statewide Blog

Whooping cough concerns; Underappreciated Modernist designs; Sen. Bills?

Whooping cough cases on the rise in Minnesota

Pioneer Press: "Minnesota health officials say the state is dealing with a rising number of whooping cough cases this year."

Preservationists aim to halt Peavey Plaza redesign in Minneapolis

MPR News: "Brackish, green water fills the reflecting pool at Peavey Plaza in downtown Minneapolis. Two of the three pumps that circulate it have stopped working. The third hasn't been turned on since last year. The fountain's iconic metal columns are dry and a bronzy tinge can be clearly seen." New York Times: "The plaza has become another battleground in the wars being fought around the country between preservationists determined to save what they see as underappreciated Modernist designs and cities and developers pushing to move on."

Vying for Klobuchar's seat, Bills says he can make 'tough decisions'

MPR News: On Friday, Republicans are expected to endorse a candidate to run against DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar. MPR News is looking at what each of the candidates is proposing to do about the nation's budget deficit. The three Republicans in the race all say government spending is out of control. Each is promoting a balanced budget, but none thinks taxes need to go up. Instead they all insist cuts and spending and regulations cuts are the best approach to ending deficit spending. This week we've heard from Dan Severson and Pete Hegseth. Today, it's state Rep. Kurt Bills' turn.

New Blue Cross network ranks Mayo Clinic in Tier 2

Post Bulletin: "Blue Cross ranked Mayo Clinic more costly than some of the other health systems covered by the plan, so the clinic gets a Tier 2 ranking instead of Tier 1."

For first time in U.S., minority babies now in majority

Star Tribune: "Census estimate marks a first for the nation, serving as harbinger of change to come."

Superior woman's 'ex-husband sale' stops traffic

Duluth News Tribune: "A public display of anger over love gone wrong -- or a celebration over a marriage ended -- caused traffic delays on North 21st Street in Superior on Wednesday."

Minn. apple crop mostly survives untimely frost

AP: "The sudden cold snap that interrupted Minnesota's warm spring five weeks ago doesn't appear to have been as big a disaster for the state's apple crop as first feared, but it still has left some growers hurting and worried."