Statewide Blog

Paint by partisanship; The third Dakota; Radar love

Visualizing presidential campaign contributions throughout Minnesota

MinnPost: "We've mapped 2012 first-quarter presidential campaign contributions in Minnesota. Each dot on the map represents a $20 contribution to a candidate, grouped by ZIP codes."

Legislature seeks progress on bills as deadline nears

MPR News: "Gov. Dayton and GOP legislative leaders continue to negotiate on three issues: a Vikings stadium, a tax bill and a public works bonding bill. Legislative leaders are now set to task as the constitutional deadline to adjourn, May 21, draws near."

In fight over Obama health law, a front in Minnesota

New York Times: "The state has sought advice from consumer groups, labor unions, doctors and hospitals, employers, insurance companies, agents and brokers, and American Indian tribes.But one notable group has been missing from the process: Republicans, who control both houses of the State Legislature."

State's immigration tide shifts back to Mexico

Star Tribune: "Those leaving cite immigration crackdown, economic slowdown."

Rochester soldier killed Sunday in Afghanistan

Rochester Post Bulletin: "Nicholas Dickhut, 23, of Rochester, was killed in action Sunday while serving with the U.S. Army in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan, according to his mother Jacqueline Carson, of Rochester." MPR News: "I don't even want to think about the fact that he's never coming home," Carson said. "All the plans that he had made and all the things we talked about, it's just never going to happen. I really thought he was going to make it. I really did."

Minnesota corn farmers planted 3 million acres last week

Pioneer Press: "Minnesota farmers poured into their fields last week, planting more than 3 million acres of corn in what looks to be the largest corn crop in state history."

Crystal says union's cost estimate of labor struggle too high

AG Week: "American Crystal Sugar Co. officials deny new union claims that a labor lockout has more than doubled processing costs for 2011 beets. They acknowledge costs have increased ... and say the company is seeing its replacement hires as a possible permanent workforce."

Minn. legislature struggles to find session's end

KSTP: "The Minnesota Legislature will stick around into May to try to reach agreement on tax breaks, state-financed construction projects and a Minnesota Vikings stadium plan."

Superfan says pass stadium or become 'the third Dakota'

Forum of Fargo Moorhead: "Larry Spooner loves Vikings football so much he has taken more than 40 days of vacation over the years to ask legislators to approve a new stadium."

Minn. Republican Party says it reached deal with landlord to avoid eviction from headquarters

Star Tribune: "Party chairman Pat Shortridge says Monday night that the confidential agreement with Hub Properties will be finalized in a week. It came on the eve of a court hearing where the landlord's eviction notice was to be heard. Shortridge says the hearing won't happen now."

New radar promises more detailed pictures of coming storms

Rochester Post Bulletin: "The new Doppler radar promises to give forecasters more detailed information about storms as they develop, in turn providing more information to local communities about severe weather headed their way."